
Obviously a personal blog is not something I am the best at keeping up. With Twitter and now Tumblr making it so easy to just quickly update exactly what I’m thinking, the long form of blogging has faded away for me.

I miss it. I used to blog all the time. I moved from LiveJournal to Blogger to wordpress.com to hosting my own blog and a few others. But obviously the more social forms (twitter, facebook, tumblr) are where my heart lies right now. It is honestly probably a convenience factor. I’m a junior in college; it’s just easier to send a text than to sit for an hour writing a blog post. Also, tumblr comes with lots of funny pictures…and the procrastinator in me LOVES it.

So if you want to see the random, funny and cute things I come across…check out my Tumblr. And Twitter.

Hopefully I will be back soon to update, but for now…that is where to find me.

Leave your tumblr in the comments so I can follow you on there too!

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I'm a Blogger, Literature Nerd, Tech Geek, Nerdfighter, Amateur Photographer, Harry Potter Fan, and much more.